Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair Loss affects millions of men and women and is increasingly affecting more people. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical method of hair loss treatment and hair restoration for both women and men. It is an effective treatment option for hair restoration and growth in cases of hair loss, receding hair line or thinning of hair. PRP treatment uses platelets, the clotting cells in our blood that contain proteins and Growth Factors (GFs). These proteins & GFs promote cell proliferation and differentiation by way of stimulation of stem cells within the follicle, giving rise to new hair. In the PRP Treatment, platelets containing proteins and GFs are drawn from your blood, treated with additional growth factors and injected in the scalp leading to improvement in hair growth. Additionally, PRP stimulates the blood flow providing hair follicles with vital nutrients and oxygen making them healthier & stronger.

PRP is safe and natural as the plasma used is drawn from your own blood. It is a safe, non-invasive procedure which takes about 45 minutes to an hour with almost no downtime. However, usage of blood thinning medicines, smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided before and after the procedure.

At Skin Hair & You, Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment is done by trained doctors and high safety standards are followed.